small RNA

small RNA abundance [miss-] viz

My PhD was focused on small RNA sequencing data. I had a problem when I wanted to visualized the amount of small RNAs from the beginning. Here the problem, assume that you have a certain distribution of small RNA sequences abundance:

miRNA annotation: complex scenarios

Everybody who is working with microRNA knows about miRBase, it was the first miRNA catalogue. Everybody is using it to annotate small RNA sequences as miRNA or not. And it is great, and very helpfully…but there are some cases that we should investigate our results.

visualizing small RNA mapping complexity

I spent all my PhD working with small RNA sequences data. The main problem was, always those sequences that map in multiple locations, also denominated ambiguous sequences. From the very beginning, this made that pipelines remove this kind of sequences from the analysis, because you cannot assign them a unique location in the genome.