BaWIB X BWCB joint meetup! Leveraging Mentorship Through Career Hurdles


I had the privilege of participating in a panel discussion with Boahemaa Adu-Oppong, PhD (BWCB Member), Eleanor Howe, and Asha S. Collins. We shared our career journeys, discussed the impact of mentors on our professional lives, and talked about our efforts to mentor others who seek guidance. While all of us have demanding jobs, we also focused on how we balance our careers and our mentoring responsibilities. We offered advice on effectively finding mentors and gaining valuable insights. It was a great experience, and I enjoyed speaking with everyone afterwards. I hope the community continues to expand, and that we achieve equal opportunities at every stage of our careers. See a summary from one of the organizers Jenea I. Adams on linkedin. Know more about these two groups at Black Women CompBio and Boston Area Women in Bioinformatics.

Jun 12, 2024 6:00 PM