How to plot miRNA, gene expression and functional analysis together

This post should show you an easy way to get the following data type integrated into a figure: functional enrichment analysis gene expression data from any technology miRNA expression data from any technology I am using the function isoNetwork from the package isomiRs, that of course is developed by me :) My ego is not that big, it is just I wanted a figure showing that information, and I couldn’t find any at a time, but if you know any, tweet me about it to @lopantano.

miRTOP: An open source community project for the development of a unified format file for miRNA data

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules (20-27 nt long) that are involved in eukaryotic gene regulation. They regulate targeted genes by RNA complementarity, generally between the miRNA seed region and the 3’ UTR of messenger RNAs. They have …

miRNA Annotation Tools Comparison

In summary: I will show which is the best miRNA mapping tool. I used several options for this benchmarking: miraligner from SeqBuster suit (I am one of the authors) bowtie2 and bowtie novoalign from novocraft suit GEM srnabench microrazer STAR miRExpress I think that these are the most used, and other not used but good to try them.

small RNA abundance [miss-] viz

My PhD was focused on small RNA sequencing data. I had a problem when I wanted to visualized the amount of small RNAs from the beginning. Here the problem, assume that you have a certain distribution of small RNA sequences abundance: