How to set up cellranger to make your hpc admin happy
I found myself to force to use cellranger. Meanwhile it helps a lot to run from bcl files to single cell counts matrixes, I discovered that is quite difficult to control many options related to optimization.
I have to run more than 200 samples in a short time of period. In my current position at MIT, I joined the OpenMind cluster in the McGovern institute. I was pleased to find a very flexible cluster, but as any other cluster you need to respect other users.
My samples are human samples, so I need a lot of memory so STAR can run. The command line is easy to set up:
cellranger count --id=SAMPLE --transcriptome=GRCh38_pre_mRNA --fastqs=PATH2FASTQS --sample=SAMPLE
Of course, that is in local mode. If you want to set up a job to a cluster, it would look like this:
#SBATCH -c 6
#SBATCH --mem=12000
#SBATCH -t 0-48:00:00
#SBATCH -J cellr
#SBATCH -e job-counts.e
#SBATCH -o job-counts.o
## SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # this line is commented
## SBATCH # this line is commented
cellranger count --id=SAMPLE --transcriptome=GRCh38_pre_mRNA \
--fastqs=PATH2FASTQS --sample=SAMPLE \
--localcores=6 --localmem=120
The main problem with that is you are using 120G during all the process that could go to 1-2 days.
I discovered that you can setup the cluster
mode to make cellranger
to send
jobs to the cluster. However, slurm
is not a option to the documentation, BUT
you can specify a template file:
#SBATCH -t 0-48:00:00
#SBATCH --qos="normal"
The command would look like this:
cellranger count --id=SAMPLE --transcriptome=GRCh38_pre_mRNA \
--fastqs=PATH2FASTQS --sample=SAMPLE \
--jobmode=slurm.template \
--maxjobs=3 --jobinterval=1000
I was feeling victory, ha ha ha, BUT I saw that the ALIGN
step was requesting
220G of memory…. WHAT!!!!!????? or better WATTT????!!!!!.
note: this is set up during genome generation with the parameters:
--memgb=<num> Maximum memory (GB) used when aligning reads with STAR.
Defaults to 16.
note: default is 16G but if I use that then my jobs are cancelled because using more memory than requested, as I expected considering STAR needs more than that for human genome.
I guess I didn’t look at the first place I should have looked, but it took me some time to discovered that the memory is coming from a file in the reference genome folder:
cat GRCh38_pre_mRNA/reference.json
"fasta_hash": "954a9c3916ef1544c9358445440b9683fc061c71",
"genomes": [
"gtf_hash": "12aae438159b35282adaf643cca4dc5887b0448a",
"input_fasta_files": [
"input_gtf_files": [
"mem_gb": 220,
"mkref_version": "3.0.2",
"threads": 24,
"version": null
I realized that when I found, after 100 ls/cat/less/grep
, this file with these
lines of code:
def _load_reference_metadata_file(reference_path):
reference_metadata_file = os.path.join(reference_path, cr_constants.REFERENCE_METADATA_FILE)
with open(reference_metadata_file, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
So, easy peasy, I changed that to 110. I relaunched the job I was using to test, and found that it was still setting up 220G…WHY!?!!? well, it seems if you relaunch in a step where the alignment has already begun, there is a cache for the resources. So after more time trying to figure out this and asking myself, why I decided my career path to be bioinformatics, I tried a fresh start and…IT WORKED.
How happy one can be to see a job requesting the expected resources.
Incredible happy!
I went a step further, and looked how much memory actually it was using during the alignment step, and I saw that actually only needs 64G, so I updated to 72G, to gain more karma from the HPC world.
There is one more thing, that will set jobs of 72G and 4 cores, if you want to
increase the number of cores, then use this option --mempercore 6
or whatever number
that you want: mempercore = 72G/final_cores
Finally, I felt that I was doing my best to behave and avoid making angry other people using the hpc. The final setup looks like this:
- meta-script to send all the samples to a master job:
. It accepts a file where first column issample name
and second column isfastq_path
set -o pipefail # trace ERR through pipes
set -o errtrace # trace ERR through 'time command' and other functions
set -o nounset ## set -u : exit the script if you try to use an uninitialised variable
set -o errexit ## set -e : exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value
# set -v # you can uncomment all these lines to have a better debugging
# set -x
# export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
while IFS=" " read -r sample paths
if [[ ! -e $sample/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 ]]; then
RUN=1 # run if the final output is not there yet
if [[ -e $sample/_lock ]]; then
echo $sample is locked, please:
echo rm $sample/_lock
RUN=0 # but don't do anything if is locked
if [[ $RUN == 1 ]]; then
echo sbatch -J $sample -o logs/$sample.o -e logs/$sample.e scripts/om-counts-cluster.slurm $sample $paths
sbatch -J $sample -o logs/$sample.o -e logs/$sample.e scripts/om-counts-cluster.slurm $sample $paths
done < $1
- SBATCH script with cellranger command:
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=6000
#SBATCH -t 0-48:00:00
# SBATCH -J "cellr-$1"
# SBATCH -e job-counts-$1.e
# SBATCH -o job-counts-$1.o
## SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # this line is commented
## SBATCH # this line is commented
cellranger count --id=$1 --transcriptome=GRCh38_pre_mRNA --fastqs=$2 --sample=$1 --jobmode=$SCRIPTPATH/slurm.template --maxjobs=3 --jobinterval=1000
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo OK
mv $1 results/.
echo $1 FAIL
- template script for
as shown above
Other tips
I used mxjobs=3
to avoid a lot of jobs. I am testing how things go, this could be spanned to bigger numbers.
I used jobinterval=1000
to avoid sending jobs at the same time, just in case, but I don’t have any proof to support this.
“happiness in bioinformatics: