This data set is the object return by IsomirDataSeqFromFiles. It contains miRNA count data from 14 samples: 7 control individuals (pc) and 7 patients with Parkinson's disease in early stage (Pantano et al, 2016). Use colData to see the experiment design.



a IsomirDataSeq class.


Data is available from GEO dataset under accession number GSE97285

Every sample was analyzed with seqbuster tool, see for more details. You can get same files running the small RNA-seq pipeline from

bcbio_nextgen was used for the full analysis.

See raw-data.R to know how to recreate the object. This script is inside "extra" folder of the package.


Pantano L, Friedlander MR, Escaramis G, Lizano E et al. Specific small-RNA signatures in the amygdala at premotor and motor stages of Parkinson's disease revealed by deep sequencing analysis. Bioinformatics 2016 Mar 1;32(5):673-81. PMID: 26530722


Lorena Pantano, 2018-04-27