This function normalizes raw count matrix using DESeq2::rlog() function from DESeq2::DESeq2-package.

isoNorm(ids, formula = NULL, maxSamples = 50)



Object of class IsomirDataSeq.


Formula that will be used for normalization.


Maximum number of samples to use with DESeq2::rlog(), if not limma::voom() is used.


IsomirDataSeq object with the normalized count matrix in a slot. The normalized matrix can be access with counts(ids, norm=TRUE).


data(mirData) ids <- isoCounts(mirData, minc=10, mins=6) ids <- isoNorm(mirData, formula=~condition)
#> converting counts to integer mode
head(counts(ids, norm=TRUE))
#> cc1 cc2 cc3 cc4 cc5 cc6 #> hsa-let-7a-2-3p 3.839715 4.957562 3.922234 4.193356 4.628304 4.320126 #> hsa-let-7a-3p 8.879606 9.912474 9.176849 8.724705 9.618618 8.956600 #> hsa-let-7a-5p 17.525920 18.324970 17.476047 17.414170 17.977366 17.531085 #> hsa-let-7b-3p 9.302412 11.360556 9.282137 9.880371 10.966974 9.778085 #> hsa-let-7b-5p 15.337173 16.405251 15.209072 15.416528 15.967481 15.401889 #> hsa-let-7c-3p 5.139584 5.142892 5.180718 5.353287 5.376405 5.413745 #> cc7 ct1 ct2 ct3 ct4 ct5 #> hsa-let-7a-2-3p 4.105222 2.962917 3.902602 3.760179 4.596888 4.575751 #> hsa-let-7a-3p 9.012317 9.240616 8.782452 8.762592 9.237904 9.168472 #> hsa-let-7a-5p 17.307877 18.861768 17.537454 17.523249 17.311227 17.382079 #> hsa-let-7b-3p 10.126883 9.621539 9.667149 9.273214 10.076857 10.090630 #> hsa-let-7b-5p 15.352952 15.631647 15.237137 15.078033 15.221224 15.242910 #> hsa-let-7c-3p 5.315111 4.270346 5.313367 5.600923 5.251170 5.149174 #> ct6 ct7 #> hsa-let-7a-2-3p 4.316038 3.852731 #> hsa-let-7a-3p 8.755662 9.090326 #> hsa-let-7a-5p 17.698660 17.638359 #> hsa-let-7b-3p 10.382668 9.999591 #> hsa-let-7b-5p 15.785968 15.537679 #> hsa-let-7c-3p 5.091561 4.953205